Popular destinations include:
Bear Glacier
Granite Point Mountain Lodge
Thumb Cove
Caines Head
Derby Cove
Kayaker's Cove
Callisto Canyon Cabin
Fox Island Spit
Aialik Bay
Aialik Public Use Cabin
Holgate Arm Public Use Cabin
Northwestern Fjord
Sunny Cove State Park
Day Harbor and more....
Popular activities and tours include:
sightseeing, whale watching, birding, photography, Aialik Bay Tour, Northwestern Fjord Tour, Bear Glacier Lagoon Tour, Chiswell Islands Tour, Resurrection Bay Tour, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, packrafting, hiking, surfing, hunting, and more...
We can drop you on remote beaches or islands for a few days camping where you can enjoy some solitude and tranquility just ask us for ideas. Please feel free to ask about any locations or activities not listed or let us tap your brain and blow your mind.